Welcome to week nine of pregnancy! Your baby is the size of a cherry. Welcome to week nine of pregnancy! Your baby is the size of a cherry.

Morning Sickness Remedies

You might have noticed that things are starting to feel a little… different. For some women, morning sickness (or rather, all-day-and-night sickness) can start to rear its ugly head around 6 weeks, but for some it may come later. And some women never have any! But the temperament of your stomach isn’t the only thing that’s changing. Your hormones are rapidly evolving to support the development of your pea-sized cutie and your uterus is quickly expanding. You may be experiencing cramps, extreme hunger, cravings, extreme thirst, frequent urination, mood swings, and exhaustion. Ohhhhh the exhaustion!! I think I slept about 12 hours a day when I was in the first trimester. I felt like I had been hit by a train – like 20 times in a row.

If you’re already experiencing some nausea, I highly suggest the use of peppermint oil to ease the urge to lose your breakfast. Diffusing peppermint into the air, sniffing a bottle of peppermint oil, or even diluting some peppermint with coconut oil and rubbing it on your abdomen can significantly improve nausea. I love the essential oils from Plant Therapy - therapeutic grade oils that have been tested by a 3rd party for impurities. They are just the best!!

My personal advice for avoiding nausea? Eliminate household toxins. Chemicals in your cleaning products, makeup, skin care, shower products, and in detergent can exacerbate hormone sensitivity and increase nausea. Work to get rid of those toxins by switching to toxin-free brands. No idea where to start? Follow me on Instagram for toxin-free living tips! I’m living proof: I had already been toxin-free at home for 2 years when I got pregnant and I only had minor nausea for about a week and never even threw up! Crazy!

Cravings during pregnancy

Those sudden and sometimes desperate food cravings you’re having may be equally paired with annoying food aversions. Protein is crucial during pregnancy and it’s recommended that you consume 80-100 grams of protein per day. If meat is giving you trouble, try other protein sources like full-fat organic dairy, nuts and seeds, eggs, beans, and protein shakes. I kept a log during my pregnancy of all the protein I was eating since it’s easy to forget and fall way below that 80-100g goal. By the way, that’s just the recommendation, so if you’re struggling with morning sickness and have a hard time reaching that protein goal, don’t stress! It’s all good, just eat what you can until you’re feeling better later!

If you’re able, do your best to opt for organic produce to reduce exposing yourself and your baby to pesticides. Check out the EWG’s Dirty Dozen to see which types of produce are highest in pesticides and should always be purchased organic when possible.

You also want to be drinking at least half your body weight in ounces of water every day. Implement this goal now so that you are a water drinking pro by the time your baby arrives! I personally struggle to remember to drink enough water daily so I purchased a stainless steel 40oz water bottle to carry around with me all day. I drank 2-3 full bottles per day and stayed plenty hydrated. If your excuse to avoid water is that you have to pee constantly… well sorry, hydration is critical, mama! Yes, you’ll be making frequent bathroom trips but water intake is more crucial during pregnancy than it ever has been.


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**Please note, nothing in this article is medical advice; it is purely educational. Consult with your healthcare provider if you have questions.



Meet Kristen van Gilse!


Kristen van Gilse has a background in graphic design and photography and a passion for holistic and toxin-free living. She resides in Indianapolis with her husband and daughter. Kristen uses her social media to help inspire and teach others to make the switch to toxin-free, healthy living!

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